A Turn around is
an area in which you can back your car, allowing you to drive
forward out of your driveway without having to back down a
driveway or on to a busy street.
Turn arounds are single or double car
wide (10 or 20
18-20 feet deep (long) to accommodate additional
parking as well as serve as a turn around. 20' x 20' is the rule of
thumb for a double
There is also a half turn around which will
only serve as an area to back the rear end of the vehicle just enough
to make the swing, however there is no additional parking on these 10 -
12 feet deep turn arounds.
The most important thing to understand about
turn around is that they need to be placed at least 20 feet away from
the garage door to make them practical.
Most people park vehicles in front of the
garage, so in order to back into the turn around you need to allow 20'
or more away from the garage door to make it feasible.
Turning Radius
Minimum turning radius should be 17' Or
inside dimension. Take a 17' piece of string, nail one
end to the ground, and use it as a compass, and you will get your 17'
Radius! Which is a
turning radius for most vehicles!